Workshops we can offer   (April, 2010):

DRAGON on the HILL, brush painting,  Ron Gee

MAKING FELTED BRACELETS, Gar Wang making (and taking) felted bracelets

ORIGAMI LARGE and small., Rob Gulick

SILK PAINTING watch or participate in making silk murals for SoC House, Courtni Hale

WEAVING: Community and personal looms.  Peg Kimple

FLY a KITE!  Glenn Carter with 40 kites available to decorate and fly  

Other available artists

MURAL in NATURE with muds and charcoal Janet Fastta and Heidi Lanino

PORCH MURAL, Mark Stanciweicz  working on a mural for the SoC front porch

MANDALA MAKING  making geometries with leaves, grasses in Nature



PLAY a DRUM!  few drums for a drumming circle if appropriate

COLOR with NATURE with nature colors and leaves from the Park.  Laurie Seeman

MUSIC!  Banjo and the Dancing Dan percussion dolls Dottie and Chris Brune  
STORYTELLER:  Julia Morris, Greenwood Lake, NY  917 903 7239

MOVEMENT/DANCE Linda Mensch, Warwick, NY

ART, Mary Sealfon

DRAMA, Paul Ellis, Melanie Gold 

Evolving Seminar Goals/Tasks:


1. Forming a Learning Community/Support Group of others working in arts and healing

2. Clarifying our sense of purpose, identifying our clients and what matters  most: eg. joy, renewal, recapturing memories; what we bring and what we are prepared to do;  Evolving questions, answers and ideas; What do we (each of us) know and what do we want to know?

3. Identifying our own learning curves and how we move forward as a learning community;

4. Envisioning directions of growth for ourselves  

B. BUILDING A TOOLBOX of Approaches/Exercises for field work.  Create your own personal set!

1. QUOTE EXCHANGE : select, swap, discuss as intro of self to group 

2. Use VISUAL EXPLORER Visual thinking exercises, frame question, select picture, present

3. Working with PERSONAL ART OBJECTS Guidelines for Sharing and Facilitation  (see 11/16/09)

4. INVITATION TO MOVEMENT by Linda Mensch...rousing the sleeping dancer in us all (see11/23/09)

5. Describe an AH HA EXPERIENCE

6. MAKING CARDS as way of expressing interior life (see 1/04)

7. ICEBREAKER Exercises:  (see 1/11)

8. COLLAGE/ASSEMBLAGE work (see 1/18)


1. Acquainting ourselves with new work in life-long learning, spirituality and health: books, people, articles, web sites, organizations,

2. Learn about current and predicted  funding trends in arts and Healthcare; 

3. Outside presenters:  11/23 Pat Quinn, art therapist; Robin Glazer, The Creative Center, Mary Makofske, Vets Write, Don Sargent, Vets Center, Patty Reitkopf, Hospital Audiences

PARTICIPANT COMMENTS and RESPONSES  What information and skills are you wanting?:

Better understanding of opportunities for doing arts in institutional healthcare settings

Are there grants? Foundations interested in such a field?  Funding Source

Better understanding of the powers of arts and healing.

With so many people needing basic healthcare, why are we even talking about expressive arts?

What skills will healthcare agencies expect of artists they might want to work with?"


General Information    from October, 2009                                        

Experienced Orange County and regional artists from various disciplines are working in a seminar on the Arts and Healthcare.  A combination of think tank and field research, the seminar develops the artist’s knowledge and experience in new approaches to programming in arts and healthcare, particularly in services to veterans.