This is a worksheet on SHAPES for us all to work on

What do you know or feel about the TRIANGLE?       some responses:     email me yours

Ouch!  but it's so sturdy. I still don't trust it.  It's always ready for battle.

Father-Son and Holy Ghost

Mom-Dad and ME

What do you know or feel about the SQUARE?       some responses:     email me yours

It's so fair. stable, balanced, grounded.  Even.  yawn. 

What do you know or feel about the CIRCLE?       some responses:     email me yours

Very precise. too precise? ach, what a routine: around and around. I'm dizzy.  Will it even stop!

What do you know or feel about the SPIRAL?       some responses:     email me yours

What do you know or feel about the WEEPING LINE?       some responses:     email me yours

What do you know or feel about the CURVES?       some responses:     email me yours

What do you know or feel about the VERTICAL?       some responses:     email me yours

What do you know or feel about the HORIZONTAL?       some responses:     email me yours