Stone Carvings "eoliths"
from common yard, field and beach stones
I started this is 2013 in Paros, Greece with soft marble
beachstones --leftovers from the quarries where
Michelangelo got his marble.
The stones are carved with a simple penknife.
Maybe I use a a rasp and some different sandpapers
to finish them off.
This process allows me to experiment with Enough?
What's Enough? in size, in crafting, in finishing, in shaping?.
It is not an easy set of questions to answer.
Each level of enough-ness has its own messages;
Some make you simply admire the Maker;
others invite you into the materials;
How to present them has been a challenge.
In 2017, I have been trying simple cardboard gift boxes,
on the assumption that these should be gifts.
The box format invites people to touch and examine the stones.
Poet Stephanie Pope comments
Jung's work on Anima product endorsement!
Kathleen Jenk's Myth*ing Links
Other Imaginal Work: tools, dorjes, cards